ISKA RATINGS - How the point system works

The ISKA points system encourages competitor participation. Competitors are not disadvantaged by having less experience, because in the points competition they are only ever competing against other competitors of the same level.

In the example below, the highest placed Novice competitor came fifth place. However, because this competitor was the highest placed Novice competitor in this event, points are awarded for coming first place.

The same applies for different age groups. This event could be run at another tournament, where it also included 10-11 year old competitors. The points would then be calculated for all the levels in the 8-9 year group separate from the 10-11 year group.

Kata Event: Male & Female 8-9 years All Grades

Example Draw Sheet:

7 competitors
20 competitors
10 competitors
3 competitors
0 competitors
First Place
Intermediate competitor
Second Place
Advanced competitor
Third Place
Advanced competitor
Fourth Place
Intermediate competitor
Fifth Place
Novice competitor
Sixth Place
Advanced competitor
Seventh Place
Intermediate competitor
Eighth Place
Intermediate competitor

Points from example draw sheet:

7 competitors
20 competitors
10 competitors
3 competitors


0 competitors
First Place points
First Place points
First Place points
Second Place points
Second Place points
Second Place points
Third Place points
Third Place points
Third Place points
Fourth Place points
Fourth Place points
Fifth Place points
Fifth Place points
Sixth Place points
Sixth Place points
Seventh Place points
Seventh Place points
Eighth Place points

Please note that you can only score points once per event in each tournament. If you are the only person in your event, you must attend your event to be awarded first place points. Events with only one competitor are usually combined with a similar event so you can compete. If the promoter enters you in a different division from your own, you can not score more points in a different division. This also applies to Grand Championship and other non-rated events. Click on "Events which qualify" to see events rated in the point system.



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