How a Tournament Works

ISKA has pioneered the most advanced tournament system in the world. Starting from the online entry and concluding with the online ratings, the competitor is the most important part of the system.

The time has gone where people are locked into the same event number at every tournament. Modern tournaments are pro-active and dynamic. Divisions are created in the interest of fairness for every person who competes. Each tournament promoter has the flexibility to run as many events as they want. The following event types are rated (appear in the ratings tables):

  • Traditional Forms and Traditional Weapons (Kata with no music)
  • Extreme Forms and Extreme Weapons (Music and acrobatic moves permitted)
  • Self Defence (2-person team displaying effective techniques)
  • Showmanship (A display of creativity and martial arts skill. This includes Duo Kata)
  • Kumite events (Point Sparring, Continuous Sparring, Sumo Wrestling and Jiu Jitsu Grappling)
  • Other events such as Breaking, Team Sparring and Koshiki may also be run, without being awarded points.

    Age Calculation - Martial Arts and Jiu Jitsu

    The age for anyone competing in Martial Arts Events is automatically calculated on the 30th June. If a competitor has a birthday in the first half of the year (before 1st July) then this is the age group they will compete in all year. For example, a competitor may be 11 years old at their first tournament in February. If they have a birthday in May, then they will compete in the 12 year old division for every tournament in the year (including the February tournament).
    Jiu Jitsu age is determined by the age you will turn on your birthday this year

    Level of Experience

    The level of experience is calculated from when a competitor first begins their Martial Arts training:

  • Novice (0-9 months of training)
  • Intermediate (10-24 months of training)
  • Advanced (25-48 months of training)
  • Expert (more than 48 months of training)
  • If a competitor changes to a higher level of experience during the year, all their points are upgraded to the higher level. If a coach instructs a competitor to enter a tournament at a lower level, the competitor will be disqualified from the tournament.

    Tournament Operations

    The system relies on the online entry. It is not possible to be entered into the wrong division, as the system does not allow this to happen. Every online entry received prior to the tournament produces a sticker that confirms the information. It is the responsibility of competitors to check the information on their sticker. The sticker also displays the correct divisions, based on the information provided on the online entry.

    The image above shows an example sticker. The competitor is a Male, aged 8 years (on 30th June), weighs approximately 35kg and has an Intermediate level of experience (10-24 months of training). The category is used for rating purposes. If this was your sticker and these details are wrong, you must get this corrected before the tournament starts.
    This is a "fail safe" system. The only way a competitor could be entered into the wrong division is if the information supplied on the online entry is incomplete or incorrect. If you or your coach changes the event number on your sticker, you will be guaranteed to miss your event.

    Events are run in the most efficient possible order, while trying to avoid event clashes. Some adult and Expert events may be held in the morning. Some junior events may not take place until after lunch. You must arrive at the tournament on time to and be prepared to stay most of the day.

    We cannot guarantee a particular result. However, when there are over 200 trophies and over 5,000 points awarded at each tournament, we know that there are a lot of very happy people who are proud of competing in another ISKA tournament.



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